Data Center
& Beyond...
Data Center
As an experienced data center security design team, we understand that data centers range from low to high security requirements. From walk-up entry to and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) level classification, we not only meet your current security posture, we anticipate scaling for the future.
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Healthcare facilities are a 24-hour operation, involving employees, patients, vendors, visitors, food service, pharmacy, and more...essentially a city within your campus. This varying degree of activity requires a customized security solutions, BUT with paramount consideration to the patient and visitor experience.

It goes without saying that security at an education campus is top of mind. Old strategies are being replaced rapidly due to new environmental risk assessments that impact virtually every learning environment. However, at the core is the teacher's opportunity to remain an agent of change and the student's ability to accept new information in a safe and secure environment.

From agency to agency and campus to campus, requirements at government facilities vary widely. Our team adheres to all applicable government standards and regulations that optimally protect occupants, visitors, data, and assets. ICD-705, GSA Facility Standards, FEMA 426, VA Physical Security Design Manual, Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), and other authorities are adhered to in every stage of design.

While most facilities are focused on vetting at entrance pints, corrections adds an additional consideration of escape prevention. Perimeter physical and electronic measures must work in unison to allow only authorized ingress and egress.

& beyond...
Security is required at nearly every facility imaginable from those described above to city centers, stadiums, and more. Regardless of your type of facility, our team can help you provide a safe and secure environment.